Self Care Tips You Can Practice This Valentine’s Day & Every Day

Wearing Ballet in black
What better holiday than Valentine’s Day to focus on celebrating you? As mamas, it's important we show ourselves compassion for our busy schedules. We all know the saying, we can’t give if we don’t fill ourselves up, but we rarely make filling ourselves up a priority. Whether you're pregnant, a first-time mama or a parent of many, give yourself some much-needed self-care and me-time this holiday.
Here are five lovely things to do for yourself this Valentine's Day and every day!
Get in that fresh air, mama!
Some days it is hard to feel motivated to leave the house. I can assure you going out to get fresh air will inspire your mood. Even if it's a small walk around your neighbourhood or a local park, it doesn't have to be anything intense. It could be a 15 or 30 minute walk, but starting your morning with fresh air will be a game-changer. It's something you can easily do as a new mama, and it's amazing to get your body moving even for short distances if pregnant. Listen to your body but give it a try! Make it special by even planning a morning walk with your partner or friends to kick off Valentine's Day with those that bring you joy!
Plan a Facetime Date
This is a fun one you can do with your friends! This is the perfect opportunity to pour yourself a fancy drink, have a bowl of snacks, and catch up with anyone you haven't had the time to see. I love planning Face-time dates with my friends I haven't been able to see in a while because of our schedules. We secure an hour that works for both of us and catch up! It's a fun vibe; and afterwards, you'll feel energized and more like yourself pre-mamahood. Also, a plus is you don't have to leave the comfort of your home, which we love. You can plan a cute V-Day-inspired Facetime Date and dress up or watch a Rom-Com via Facetime with a friend.
Listen to a Podcast or Audiobook!
This is another easy peasy form of happiness, especially if you previously loved reading but can't find the time between breastfeeding, growing a human, and chasing kids until bedtime. I love finding a Podcast that can make me laugh, inspire me and give advice. What's great about podcasts and audiobooks is you can listen to them while breastfeeding or relaxing in bed (pregnant mamas enjoy that relaxation while you can). You can even find yourself a spicy audiobook this V-Day!
Valentine's Day Morning Smoothie
One thing I loved when I was pregnant and breastfeeding were smoothies. You can get everything you need vitamin-wise and energy-wise starting your day off with nutritional smoothies, and honestly, they boosted my mood immensely. What's even better is the internet provides us with so many endless smoothie recipes that it's honestly fun to try a new one every day, and you can meal prep it the night before. I highly recommend trying Cupid’s Vanilla Berry Smoothie by Blair Lonergan. Best of all, the smoothie is 100% kid-approved!
Under Eye Patches
Hear me out! Most of the time, we don't have time to do a full skin-care routine. So what is something easy we can do literally while breastfeeding? Eye patches. You can pop them on and peel them off, no washing is needed, and it depuffs those exhausted eyes we've learned to love after having kids. Pregnant mamas, take advantage of your skincare routine as long as possible. So, treat yourself this Valentine's Day and bring life back to those beautiful eyes of yours, and if you can squeeze in a mask, do it!!