In Conversation with Ryan
In celebration of Father's Day, first time dad Ryan, married to Tiffany, a member of the Bravado Team, tells us about his journey to fatherhood.

How would you describe your experience of being a parent so far?
My experience of being a new parent has been bliss, filled with highs and lows that have been both rewarding and very challenging. From true happiness, pleasure and love when your child’s head is resting peacefully on your shoulder to moments of frustration, over-worrying and pain from the day-to-day of taking care of a growing human being. At the end of the day though, I wouldn’t change it for the world and can’t see myself living a life without Ellis. I’ll just say that all the cuddles and smiles wash away any negative feelings I may feel at the end of the day.
Before becoming a father, what did you think fatherhood would be like?
I had a very Hollywood-movie concept of what fatherhood would be like, where it is captured through snapshots of your child’s major milestones. You learn very quickly that you really don’t know much at all until you personally go through the daily activities in raising a little one.
Biggest sacrifice since becoming a parent?
Making decisions that solely benefit me, such as how I spend money or what I do on weekends. With Ellis, all of my actions and decisions revolve around what’s best for him, so I no longer make decisions that only have a one-way benefit. It’s all about doing what makes sense for our little one and us as a family.

How has your relationship changed with your wife since parenthood?
I feel like we both acknowledge there is a stronger need to improve our communication with one another. We have to be on the same page when raising Ellis, so we are mindful there is a need to speak to each other more effectively. There are also times where I feel that I need to manage love and attention towards my wife better, because it can easily take a backseat since we always prioritize things for Ellis first. I need to do more of the little sweet things for my wife, that’s for sure!
Do you have any advice for those who are about to become or planning to be fathers?
My advice would be to ensure you take good care of yourself, first and foremost. If you’re unable to do this, it will be difficult for you to take care of your family well. By taking care of yourself, you are loving yourself and this translates to loving your partner and child.
What are your Father’s Day plans?
Getting the “pass” to sleep in and going out for a nice long massage!