Cluster Feeding and The First 6 Weeks of Breastfeeding

Early breastfeeding is about establishing your milk supply on-demand, 24/7, while your baby helps your body figure out exactly how much milk to make. All this feeding behaviour can lead to the challenges that make this time tough on new mothers and their breasts. Being informed is super helpful in getting through those early weeks and making breastfeeding that much easier.
When your milk first comes in, you’ll notice your breasts becoming rock hard and very sore to touch, and this full feeling will continue to occur whenever a feed is due. But once you reach the six-week mark, you’ll notice your breasts are a lot softer at feeding time. This signifies that your body has figured out exactly how much milk your baby needs. We recommend our Original Nursing Bra, designed to initiate breastfeeding when your breasts feel sore and hard. The Original Nursing Bra simultaneously embodies coziness and comfort with a stretchy bottom band and smooth racerback. Also available in an extended cup to fit larger breasts from H-J cups to get you through breastfeeding without compromising support and comfort. This bra has been recommended by lactation consultants for over 30 years to help with initiating breastfeeding.
Newborns need to be fed often for comfort and security, and nourishment. Expect plenty of cluster feeding sessions in the first six weeks, usually in the evenings. You can expect this to decrease once you get past six weeks. Although your baby may still have fussy periods as your baby grows, these exhausting feeding sessions will happen less and less, and we recommend trying our Restore Bra during this period. It's a perfect lounge bra that offers the same comfort and support but can be worn even after your breastfeeding journey. It's ultra-stretchy with a beautiful ribbed fabric making it easy to pull to the side for easy breastfeeding access.

It's essential to avoid experimenting too much with bottle feeding unless your doctor or lactation consultant recommends it because it can cause nipple confusion for your baby. Once you pass the six-week mark and everything suggests your supply is abundant, you can consider swapping out a feed here and there with a bottle of expressed breastmilk or formula. You can experiment with what works for you. In those early days, feeling doubtful about your milk supply and whether you enjoy breastfeeding your baby can be stressful. However, if you get the support you need to hang in there until the six-week mark, your confidence will grow, and it will get easier with patience and practice. Always reach out for support, and don't be hard on yourself. Every feeding journey is different.