5 tips to getting more rest with a newborn

Rest is such an important component to wellness as a mom with a newborn! I'm joking, right? How am I going to get rest with a brand-new baby who needs to eat every few hours, not to mention changing diapers? Parents of newborns definitely get less uninterrupted sleep, but there are ways to maximize the rest you can get. Here are my top tips for getting rest with a newborn:
- Make plans to "make no plans"
For the first several weeks postpartum, eliminate as many extra activities as possible and focus on breastfeeding, resting and recovering. Listen to your body and consult with your healthcare provider to know when your body is ready for more.
- Practice the side-lying breastfeeding position
Once it becomes second nature, lying down while nursing is a lifesaver.
- Set parameters for visitors.
Limit visits to ten minutes and keep those visits to a minimum. As much as you love your family and friends, every interaction requires energy and energy is a commodity with a newborn baby!
- Consider extra help for the first few weeks
Get help with housekeeping, laundry service, meals (may cost some money but a small investment to decrease stress, maintain milk supply, and avoid formula costs). You can even start saving small amounts every week during pregnancy to pay for any extra services to make recovery easier.
- Make yourself as comfy as possible
If you’re wearing a bra to sleep, look for one with soft fabrics and no hooks and eyes in the back. Bravado Designs’ Ballet Nursing Bra and Original Nursing Bra incorporate modal fabric in the design and have smooth backs that are comfortable to lay on. To prevent any accidents, use breast pads like their Washable Nursing Pads to absorb any milk that leaks.
Lindsey Shipley, RN, IBCLC
This post is brought to you by our friend, Lindsey Shipley at Lactation Link – an online space dedicated to ‘Creating Confident Moms’. Lindsey is an RN, Childbirth Educator, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, cancer survivor, mom of 2. For more info on Lindsey and Lactation link, click here.